I’m obsessed with warm, gentle colors. Being that I’m a photographer, many parts of me are creatively driven and it comes out in home decor too. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be doing some “how-tos” on easy home projects that you can take advantage of while we’re on lockdown!
I started out with gathering inspiration on Pinterest (who doesn’t do that amiright?). We choose our corner and got it approved with our landlord that it’s okay to paint a few places. Along with the mural, we’re going to be hanging up plants everywhere in our house once all our planters come in. I’ll do a DIY on that later on.
We chose paint colors from the Behr line at Home Depot, but any local hardware store should have similar tones. Here’s a close up of the colors we used.
We started by tracing out the lines on our chosen corner. I had my husband do this as he’s a great pencil artist and is very precise. As silly as it may sound, to create the perfect arches on the top we actually used my dog’s head cone from when she got spayed. It’s a large size, we used the outside curve for the main arch and the inside curve for the smaller one.
We used a 3 foot long level to help draw straight and precise lines following the down curve of the arches. The circle, well… we found a pizza pan the right size that we wanted and used it to trace the circle on the wall. LOL. Moral of the story – use what you have!! Don’t spend money on fancy circle drawing equipment (unless you’re going for allllll the circles).
Moving on we taped off the straight lines, but I had to freehand the arches in order to make them nice and round, as well as the outline on the circle.
We started with the small yellow arch and the circle first and then once that was solid and dry we painted the large arch.
I scored these cute vintage chairs off of Facebook Marketplace a few months ago and styled them with fur pillows and leather seat cushions. I throw a blanket over the back to give it a little extra color, and voila! I have the cutest reading corner ever now.
We will be doing more of these in our bedroom and other places as we revamp our cute little rental with fun, warm colors and lots of indoor plants. Stay tuned!!